30 Days of Fall-Thoughts on Pot Roast-Day 19

Summer days begin to cool, evenings become bearable. Grass begins to turn a slight shade of tan, proof of it too slowing down. The ending of one season slowly, yet intentionally begins rounding the corner to cool nights and soft breezes where another season has been waiting all year long.  Clothes become heavier, thicker. Sweaters, jackets find their way from last year’s hiding place and prepare for usefulness once again. Footballs are dusted off, gardens are quietly resting.

The earth slows, but not.

It is simply changing.

And without change it cannot see the joy a new day has to offer.

Trees begin their annual descent to hibernation and doing the work of renewal. Restoration. Life appears to be ebbing away, but it is not. Life will resurface again later. For now it just changes.

Leaves turn. Golden yellow. Pumpkin orange. Apple red.

Hearty plants keep their stay even through the coldest of nights.

How I admire those plants. Their tenacity, their steadfastness, their doing what they are supposed to do.

Fall means windows are closed more often, doors are kept shut more frequently, thermostats are turned up, or perhaps on.

Flip flops, sandals or no shoes at all that have been kept by the front door for months are now replaced with sneakers, boots, closed toes.

The scents of summer flowers have become scents of apples and pumpkin pies baking in the oven.  Breads are baked in abundance, given away to neighbors and friends.

Freezers, jars, shelves become full again with the year’s harvest.

Foods change from the light fare of summer, tomatoes, peppers, grilled chicken to the heavier, warmer foods of fall.  Roast beef, baked chicken, pasta.

Food that wraps and warms like a cozy blanket.

Mashed potatoes, gravies, green beans,butter.

So much butter.






This meal, with butter and roast beef, gravy and fresh potatoes, mashed just right and fresh from the garden, corn packed away by our own hands, homemade applesauce, brought us together this week.

The kitchen table was full of nourishment and words, catching up with each other after a busy few weeks. Our bodies refreshed and souls inspired simply by being together.


Around our table.

Conversation was full until we, one by one, realized how hungry we were not just for each other’s company, but for a good nourishing, warm, satisfying meal. Words became slower and fewer.

Fall does that.

It brings you home. It fills your belly. It wraps you up.

After errands were run, goodbyes said to a lovely friend, a long hike with another friend and a pot roast placed in the oven, seasoned just right, Monday evening found us here..in this picture of fall, around our kitchen table with a full meal, crustless pumpkin pie with a dollop of cream cheese frosting, watching football games, jumping in leaf piles with friends and snuggling up in warm cozy quilts on a squishy couch, with a very large dog.

My hope is that you too will find a day to invest in the season, stop everything, cook a warm meal, cozy up with a good friend and take all that fall has to offer.

PS. The green beans were out of can.







Published by

The Smallwood Parsonage

An adventure seeking, simple living, garden growing ministry family.

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