Shopping at the Meat Market


We’ve had an on again off again relationship with meat markets over the years. It was nothing against the market itself (well, except for that one years ago that smelled like dead cows…ugh). It’s just that it was more convenient to buy everything at once in the grocery store.

Here’s what I discovered though-I love meat markets.

We have one close to us (Tony’s Meat Market in Minersville,PA) that has forever changed our minds about shopping at grocery store vs. meat market. The fresh local meat is far better than what I have gotten in grocery stores. And the cost?? It doesn’t even compare.

In the above picture is one pound of sirloin tips, a London Broil, two jars of olive oil (they are tucked in the back…hardly to be seen in this picture), smoked cheese, a container of grape leaves, one pound of sausage and three pounds of ground chuck, and a container that used to hold three cannoli.

The price? $32.46. And it will last more than a week,maybe longer  depending on our schedule.

Living simply, in part for me means making the most out of a dollar. Driving the opposite way from the grocery store only takes a little while but the money we save as well as being able to live out our convictions about local shopping is a double blessing.


Published by

The Smallwood Parsonage

An adventure seeking, simple living, garden growing ministry family.

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